
Showing posts with the label Science

Achieving Sense Of Fulfilment

          Success is step by step process. Success is art & science. Success is an outcome of focused - persistence and consistence inputs, there are no short cuts. Each day actions counts for any kind of accomplishments. Success is a present state, neither it can exist in past nor in future. One has to keep oneself updated to keep up to the next levels. It's a continuous process. Similarly all these also holds good for health. Health is art & science, step by step process, outcome of focused - persistence and consistence inputs, one needs to push to accomplish next level, it's a continuous process. Both health and success are perishable, hence it is a lifelong process. To accomplish any or both of these one has to take nonstop actions without any compromises, to gain real fruits in any of these areas. Each and every process involved accompanies with  learning, memories to cherish, expands horizon & potential, builds experience & wisdom, ultimately brings happin

Determination Unfolds Secrets To Success

    As We Understand Driving Force Behind Firm Decisions Is Determination. Determination Leads To Courageous Outlook Towards Success. There Is A Science Behind Determination, Confidence, Self-Esteem & Self-Complacent. Complacent In Positive Sense And One Must Not Misunderstand It With Self-Boasting Or Self-Arrogance. Positive Complacent Attitude Builds Determination To Do And Achieve Things, Leading To Clarity In Decision Making. Also It's Understood That Character Determines The Attitude Or Vice Versa. The Force Behind Right Attitude, Character & Determination Is Passion. When One Is Passionate Towards Their Positive Dreams, Thoughts, Purpose, Aims, Goals, Task, Work, One remains determined. Passion creates action oriented mindset leading to action plans which in turn eases the execution process. Passion Aligns One's Frequency With The Universal Frequency. With Right Attitude & Universal Connection, One Develops Ability To Decode Knowledge Energy Into Ideas, Discov

Path To Achieve Higher Sense Of Connection

          It's Natural Tendency For Humans To Remain And Operate Within Their Comfort Zone. Do And Achieve Things Which Are Within The Reach, Easy And Certain. Humans Avoid Uncertainty, Things Which Requires Extra Efforts Or Which Seems To Be Impossible. Human's Aims For Small, As They Know They Can Achieve It Without Facing Failures And To Feel Happy About It. Certainty Small Aims Does Not Give Any Sense Of Happiness & Fulfilment As It Fails In Challenging Human Potentials As Well Fails In Stimulating Human Brains For Real Success. Small Aims Will Not Lead Anywhere, It Will Not Tap Human's True Potential, It Can Not Create Growth And Hence Can Not Create Happiness Within . Humans Must Aim For Bigger Goals, Larger Than Their Capabilities, Much Larger Than Their Capacity. This Way Human Will Start Pushing Themselves & Tapping Their Potentials, Activating Creative Mind, Generating Ideas, Achieving Invisible, Stimulating Brain On The Path Of Innovation And This Forms T

Smart Learning Is A Smart Way To Success

    Continuous Imperfections Leads To Perfection By Way Of Systematic Progress. These Imperfections Shows Us That There Is Always Room For Improvement, Instigating Us To Improve Our Skill Sets, Directing Us To Improve Our Abilities, Putting Us On The Path Of Continuous Learning. Once We Understand Science Behind Continuous Learning, We Will Be Unstoppable On The Path Of Growth. We Must Understand That Our Openness To Adapt, Learn And Re-Learn Will Boost All Our States - Mental, Physical And Spiritual. Continuous Learning Is A Progress, Continuous Progress Is Life, Therefore Learning Is Way Of Life. We Remain Stagnant When We Stop To Learn.  Either We Learn The Self-Way (Self Learning) Or Life Will Make Us  To Learn The Hard-Way, Wiseness Is In To Learn Smart-Way.  Continuous Learning Creates A Knowledge Base But Half-Hearted Learning Or Unfocused Learning Is Half Knowledge Which Will Not Lead Us Anywhere And Will Prove To Be Dangerous. Breathing Keeps Our Body Alive While Learning Keep

Scientific Process To Achieve Success

          Success Is Science And One Has To Follow Underlying Principle For Sure Shot Results. One Has To Adapt And Live In With The Step By Step Process To Achieve Success. If One Follows This Process Passionately, Results Are Bound To Appear. Success Can Be Predicted Based On The Correct Actions Taken In Present, The Progress Of The Same Can Me Measured From Time To Time And If Results Are Legging Corrective Actions Can Be Decided. If One Does Not Take Actions Towards Desired Goals Than One Can Easily Predict That One Can Not Achieve Success, It Won't Be Coming By Itself To That Person. It's For Sure That One Has To Take Continues Actions To Jump From One Level To Another, Success Won't Be Knocking One's Door, One Has To Take A Leap Towards Success To Reach Out To It.

Understanding Science Behind Success

          When We Do Things For Which We Are Highly Passionate Than It Is Most Likely To Be Executed From Heart And Actions Taken By Giving 100% Of Our Heart Leads To Sure Shot Success. This Is The Process And Science Behind Success. When We Do Things From Heart We Focus On Our Core Qualities - Genius And Utilise Best Of All Our Core Abilities To Breakthrough. Therefore Success Is In Executing Our Core  Abilities In The Desired Direction To Achieve What We Want.  Success Is Want - Thought, Desire - Dream - Goal - Feeling, Ability - Plan - Focused Knowledge - Decision And Execution - Action. In Short Thought + Feeling + Decision + Action = Result Is Success.